Gold Mining Profitability Calculator

Maximize your returns with our easy-to-use tool

Accurate Yield Estimation
ROI Calculation
Hourly & Fixed Costs

Mining Session Details


Profitability Results

Revenue & Profit

Total Revenue$186.21
Revenue per Gram$62.07
Total Profit$26.21
Profit per Gram$8.74


Total Costs$160.00
Cost per Gram$53.33
Break-even Time4.75 hours
Break-even Price$53.33/g


Profit Margin14.08%
Yield per Hour0.50 g
Profit per Hour$4.37
Profit per Minute$0.07

Profitability Analysis: Optimization Opportunities

  • ROI Status: 16.4% ROI needs $5.79 more profit for 20% target. On track but can optimize further.
  • Efficiency Metrics: 14.1% margin with $4.37/hour. Focus on cost reduction.
  • Time Optimization: Break-even at 4.8h, operating +1.2h beyond. Consider extending operation time.
  • Investment Strategy: Reinvest $7.86 (30%) in equipment upgrades. Prioritize efficiency gains.
  • Yield Analysis: Current 0.50g/h yield. Consider prospecting higher-yield areas.

Profitability Analysis

Daily Profit Projection

Visualize your mining profits over time. Shows when your operation becomes profitable and projects earnings based on your current yield rate.

Cost Breakdown

Compare your fixed costs (equipment, licenses) vs. variable costs (labor, fuel) to understand your mining operation's expense structure.

Break-even Analysis

Break-even point shows when total revenue equals total costs - the minimum time needed to recover your investment.

Yield Sensitivity

Gold yield is the amount of gold recovered per hour. See how changes in your yield rate affect overall profitability.